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Learning Needs

Outdoors Tutoring

At St Helen’s we are proud to say we are an inclusive school, catering for children of all abilities. We value the achievements of all and encourage all our pupils to be ambitious and capable in their learning. 
All children develop and learn at different rates and some may need support to help them achieve their full potential. Through ‘Person Centred Practice’ all our staff engage students, and parents, in order to meet the needs of all our pupils.

For some students with identified Additional Learning Needs (ALN), reasonable adjustments might be required within the classroom setting. These reasonable adjustments may be written in a One Page Profile to ensure all staff know how best to support individual pupils. Some pupils with identified ALN will require additional learning provision (ALP). Staff ensure that the individual and specific support some pupils require will help them achieve their own personal targets. These pupils might also have Individual Targets or an Individual Development Plan that will be reviewed annually. 

Our staff are committed to encouraging and supporting all pupils to reach their full potential. We provided a variety of literacy, numeracy and well-being interventions to support our pupils. Intervention groups are usually run by our dedicated support staff and are planned, monitored and reviewed regularly by class teachers.

Additional Learning Needs (ALN) provision is changing in Wales. There is a new ALN Bill (ALN ET ACT 2018) that is currently being implemented in schools. This is a rolling programme of change starting in September 2021 with year groups coming on-line gradually over the next 3 years. Please use the links to the WG and CCBC information and parent help below or contact the school for more specific information in relation to individual pupils/year groups.

Useful Links & Documents

•    Caerphilly ALN Website

•    WG information
•    Welsh Government ALN FAQ

•    Snap Cymru Website

ALN Transformation Programme Guide

ALN Systems Implementation  Timeline


ALN Brief Guide for Schools

Parent Leaflet New Code

Parent Leaflet September 2022

Trinity Protocol Form

Trinity Protocol Leaflet

WG Fact Sheet

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