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Childrens Senedd

Our Senedd group has explored the meaning of ‘Global Citizenship,’ the idea that everyone, no matter where they live, is part of a worldwide community. Global citizens care about their communities becoming better places in which to live and work towards making them this way.

They are aware of different cultures, taking opportunities to learn about other people's languages, beliefs, homes, families, daily lives.


We have begun to look at the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was adopted by the United Nations in 1989, to protect the rights of children. This is a legally binding international agreement setting out the rights of EVERY child.


We organised Universal Children’s Day at St Helen’s, when we all wore blue, to mark a day celebrated across the world. The day aims to raise awareness of the challenges faced by children worldwide and to improve the welfare of all children. We made posters for classrooms and presented an assembly for the rest of the school.


Article 24 of the Convention states that children have the right to clean water and nutritious food, so that they stay healthy. We decided that we would like to learn more about the Food Bank in Caerphilly and we look forward to them visiting to talk to us about how we can support them.


We also planned a Fairtrade tuck shop, but this was postponed when school closed.

We researched, then created a display in the foyer, which shows the different nationalities of the children in our school. We chose the heading ... ‘Diversity is the one thing we all have in common.’


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