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Childrens Senedd

Digital competence refers to the confident usage of the full range of digital technologies for information, communication and basic problem-solving in all aspects of life.


The children discuss issues faced within the school and wider area both with technology and its overall use. The children also ensure the devices are in a good, working condition.


Things the children achieved last year:

  • Colour co-ordinated iPads and chromebooks to be shared equally throughout the school.

  • Decided upon iPad monitors who would ensure devices were charged daily.

  • Year 6 delivered training to the teachers on how to use Seesaw app.

  • Checked usernames and passwords for their year group to ensure HWB,

  • PurpleMash and Activelearn were up to date.

  • Wrote a letter to ask for more chromebooks and more up to date iPads for the school.

Department of Digital Compitence


Use the below link to access our most up to date projects

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