"Strive to achieve; Take care of our world; Look after each other"
Childrens Senedd
Our Eco group is an opportunity to empower the children to drive change and improve their environmental awareness through seven simple steps.
Step one has been to create this group which carries out environmental reviews, writes action plans, finds the curriculum links, informs and involves others, monitors and reviews our school actions and creates an eco-code.
As a group we look to raise environmental awareness, improves our school environment and create financial savings for our school as well as a whole host of other benefits.
We are working hard to maintain our Eco –School Green Flag status. We are practically looking at the topic of biodiversity and have researched the importance of bees for our world.
As a result we have an exciting bee’s project underway where we sought funding to introduce our own beehive at St. Helen’s. We continue to look at our school environment, how we can save energy, recycle and be healthy.